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Ombudsman Investigates Public Guardian

In Front Page News, News by kate-omb

Concerned family members made a complaint about the guardianship of a man who died while a ward of the Public Guardian and the Office of Public Advocacy. The Ombudsman investigated whether the Public Guardian visited with the man, as required by state law, and whether they spent his limited resources in a way to provide him with safe and consistent housing. Based on the evidence, they had not. The Ombudsman also investigated how the Public Guardian managed his finances after his death.

Read the summary of the investigation, and the recommendations we made to the Office of Public Advocacy:

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2023 Annual Report

In Annual Reports, Front Page News, News, successes by kate-omb

Ombudsman Kate Burkhart released the 2023 Alaska State Ombudsman Annual Report today. Learn how we served over 2,300 people seeking help with complaints and problems, handled a flood of complaints about backlogged public assistance cases, and resolved complaints involving access to health care, heating assistance, child protection, birth certificates, and more.

Read the 2023 Annual Report.

The 2023 Annual Report is only being web-published, saving money, paper, and other resources. If you would like to request a printed copy, please email

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Ombudsman Completes Systemic Investigation of Goose Creek Dental Care

In Front Page News, Investigations, News by kate-omb

Alaska State Ombudsman Kate Burkhart released a report of an ombudsman-initiated investigation of the Alaska Department of Corrections Dental Services Program at Goose Creek Correctional Center (GCCC) today. The Ombudsman found that the Department of Corrections is unable to timely provide medically necessary dental health care to people incarcerated at GCCC and is inconsistent in its responses to dental care requests and complaints. The Ombudsman made 12 recommendations to improve the dental services at GCCC and statewide. The Department accepted all of the recommendations and has begun implementing them.

Read the Press Release.

Read the Report.

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Ombudsman Releases Report on Investigation of Adult Protective Services

In Front Page News, Investigations, News by kate-omb

Alaska State Ombudsman Kate Burkhart has released the investigation report about the Alaska Department of Health, Division of Senior and Disabilities Services (SDS), Adult Protective Services (APS). The investigation revealed that APS was unable to find meaningful solutions to address an adult’s increasingly dangerous living environment.

The Ombudsman’s office investigated two allegations: APS unreasonably categorized reports of harm alleging significant health and safety risks to a disabled elder as a low priority level for review, and APS did not initiate services soon enough to protect a vulnerable adult. The Ombudsman found both allegations justified.

The evidence showed that APS made good faith efforts to help the adult, but the situation warranted more oversight and action by agency staff. The Ombudsman made eight recommendations designed to strengthen APS’s ability to provide services to vulnerable adults confidently and lawfully.

To learn more about this investigation

Read the public report.

Read the press release.